90 Degree Turning Combination 1st Kyu
This combination contains all of the five brown belt basic combinations, after each combination, there is a 90 degree turn into the next brown belt combination.
Starting from a left side fighting stance.
- Make distance with the left leg by pushing off the back right leg, Kizami zuki (lead arm punch) with the left arm, then step with the right leg Oi zuki (stepping punch) jodan and finish with a left arm Gyaku zuki (reverse punch) chudan.
- Turn through 90 degrees pivoting on the left leg and kick with the right leg, mae geri (front kick), oi zuki (stepping punch), gyaku zuki (reverse punch).
- Turn through 90 degrees pivoting on the left leg and kick with the right leg yoko geri kekomi (side thrust kick), uraken uchi, (back fist), gyaku zuki (reverse punch).
- Turn through 180 degrees pivoting on the left leg and kick with the right leg mawashi geri (round house kick), uraken uchi, (back fist), gyaku zuki (reverse punch).
- Kick straight back ushiro geri (back kick), uraken uchi, (back fist), gyaku zuki (reverse punch).
Then repeat on the right side.