Yoko Geri Keage and Kekomi Side Snap and Thrust Kick

Yoko Geri Keage Shotokan’s Side Snap Kick

A fast snapping kick that can be used to the groin or ribs. For 7th kyu and 6th kyu we practice these kicks from a natural ready stance (heiko dachi). Then from 5th Kyu we are stepping and kicking.

From heiko dachi (natural ready stance).

1. Lift the right knee, high and point towards the way you are going to kick, which in this tutorial is to the right, the underside of the kicking foot is facing the inside of the left supporting legs knee.

2. kick towards the target.

3. Push from the supporting leg, drive the right hip as you hit the target and try and kick with the side edge of the foot (sokoto).

4. Yoko geri keage is a snapping kick, so at the completion of the kick, vigorously snap the kicking foot back to the inside of the supporting left legs knee.

5. Then step back down into heiko dachi (natural stance).

Yoko Geri Kekomi Shotokan’s Side Thrust Kick

A powerful kick that was made famous by Bruce Lee, he used to call side thrust kick, ‘the stop kick’. For 7th kyu and 6th kyu we practice these kicks from a natural ready stance (heiko dachi). Then from 5th Kyu we are stepping and kicking.

In the film, Enter The Dragon, there is an excellent example of Bruce Lee combining the thrust kick with his ‘Bruce Lee Burst’, he could cover 8 feet in three quarters of a second! The famous kick is delivered during the fight with O’hara (Bob Wall), if you get a chance, check it out.

From heiko dachi (natural ready stance).

1. Lift the right knee, high and to the front of your body, twist the ankle so the outside edge of the foot is pointing down and side of the big toe is facing up.

2. Thrust the leg forwards towards the target.

3. Driving the hips and body weight into the target.

4. Yoko geri kekomi is a Kekomi (thrust) kick as opposed to a keage (snap) kick, so there is a slight delay at the completion of the kick, as you finish the thrusting action.

5. Recover the kicking leg strongly, with the knee high in the starting position.

6. Then step back down into heiko dachi (natural stance).

I have found the best way for karateka to develop their kicking power, is to hit something, so we regularly use focus pads and kick shields. CLICK HERE for a video of side thrust kick on the punch bag. The side kicks are an important part of shotokan karate dojo’s training and plays a part in our testing requirements, so practice all the different variations out there, but in the end, the best way to execute the kick, is your way!

Until you find your way of kicking side thrust kick, KEEP KICKING!! and then once you have found your way of kicking, KEEP KICKING!!

 This article and video focuses on Yoko Geri Kekomi and Keage From Heiko Dachi, on the following page we work on Yoko Geri Kekomi and Yoko Geri Keage stepping in kiba dachi.

Oss ! This combination is for 7th kyu Karateka working towards 6th Kyu Green belt.

When you Enter The Dojo, this combination is part of the 7th Kyu yellow belt course and is needed when testing for 6th Kyu Green belt.

Yoko Geri Keage Shotokan's Side Snap Kick

A fast snapping kick that can be used to the groin or ribs. For 7th kyu and 6th kyu we practice these kicks from a natural ready stance (heiko dachi). shotokan side kicksThen from 5th Kyu we are stepping and kicking.

From heiko dachi (natural ready stance).

1. Lift the right knee, high and point towards the way you are going to kick, which in this tutorial is to the right, the underside of the kicking foot is facing the inside of the left supporting legs knee.

2. kick towards the target.

3. Push from the supporting leg, drive the right hip as you hit the target and try and kick with the side edge of the foot (sokoto).

4. Yoko geri keage is a snapping kick, so at the completion of the kick, vigorously snap the kicking foot back to the inside of the supporting left legs knee.

5. Then step back down into heiko dachi (natural stance).

Yoko Geri Kekomi Shotokan's Side Thrust Kick

A powerful kick that was made famous by Bruce Lee, he used to call side thrust kick, 'the stop kick'. For 7th kyu and 6th kyu we practice these kicks from a natural ready stance (heiko dachi). Then from 5th Kyu we are stepping and kicking.

In the film, Enter The Dragon, there is an excellent example of Bruce Lee combining the thrust kick with his 'Bruce Lee Burst', he could cover 8 feet in three quarters of a second! The famous kick is delivered during the fight with O'hara (Bob Wall), if you get a chance, check it out.

From heiko dachi (natural ready stance).

1. Lift the right knee, high and to the front of your body, twist the ankle so the outside edge of the foot is pointing down and side of the big toe is facing up.

2. Thrust the leg forwards towards the target.

3. Driving the hips and body weight into the target.

4. Yoko geri kekomi is a Kekomi (thrust) kick as opposed to a keage (snap) kick, so there is a slight delay at the completion of the kick, as you finish the thrusting action.

5. Recover the kicking leg strongly, with the knee high in the starting position.

6. Then step back down into heiko dachi (natural stance).

I have found the best way for karateka to develop their kicking power, is to hit something, so we regularly use focus pads and kick shields. CLICK HERE for a video of side thrust kick on the punch bag. The side kicks are an important part of shotokan karate dojo's training and plays a part in our testing requirements, so practice all the different variations out there, but in the end, the best way to execute the kick, is your way!

Until you find your way of kicking side thrust kick, KEEP KICKING!! and then once you have found your way of kicking, KEEP KICKING!!

Basic Video Tutorial For Yoko Geri Kekomi and Keage From Heiko Dachi

shotokan side kicks

October 21, 2020

Brown Belt Basics Mae Geri, Yoko Geri Kekomi, Mawashi Geri Kicking Combination 1

Linden Huckle

About the author

Linden Huckle has been practicing and teaching karate for over 50 years and believes first and foremost, karateka should enjoy their karate. He says 'there is nothing better than seeing a person develop into a great person through their karate practice, while at the same time enjoying karate.'

Linden Huckle
