Turning 180 Degrees Mae Geri, Yoko Geri Kekomi, Mawashi Geri
In this live karate class, Sensei Amos focused on two types of turning after kicking. The four kicks practiced, were mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, mawashi geri and ushiro geri, then turning through 180 degrees after each individual kick.
The first method involves pivoting on the heel initially, then finishing the turn by pivoting on the ball of the foot.
The second more advanced methos focuses on using the ball of the foot only
Method 1.
- Starting with a left side fighting stance.
- Kick mae geri with the right leg and step forward.
- Then pivot on the left heel initially, then finishing on the ball of the foot, turning through 180 degrees and kicking mae geri with the right leg again and stepping forward with the right leg.
- Once again, pivot on the left heel initially, then finishing on the ball of the foot, turning through 180 degrees and kicking yoko geri kekomi with the right leg, then stepping forward with the right leg.
- Again, pivot on the left heel initially, then finishing on the ball of the foot, turning through 180 degrees and kicking yoko geri kekomi with the right leg, then stepping forward with the right leg.
- Once again, pivot on the left heel initially, then finishing on the ball of the foot, turning through 180 degrees and kicking mawashi geri with the right leg, then stepping forward with the right leg.
- Again, pivot on the left heel initially, then finishing on the ball of the foot, turning through 180 degrees and kicking mawashi geri with the right leg, then stepping forward with the right leg.
- To finish drive straight back with ushiro geri and finish with the right leg in front, then repeat method 1 on the opposite side.
Method 2.
- Starting with a left side fighting stance.
- Kick mae geri with the right leg and step forward.
- Then turning through 180 degrees, pivot entirely on the left ball of the foot and kick mae geri with the right leg again and stepping forward with the right leg.
- Once again, pivot entirely on the left ball of the foot and kick yoko geri kekomi with the right leg, then stepping forward with the right leg.
- Again, pivot 180 degrees entirely on the left ball of the foot and kick yoko geri kekomi with the right leg, then stepping forward with the right leg.
- Once again, pivot 180 degrees entirely on the left ball of the foot and kick mawashi geri with the right leg, then stepping forward with the right leg.
- Again, pivot 180 degrees entirely on the left ball of the foot and kick mawashi geri with the right leg, then stepping forward with the right leg.
- To finish drive straight back with ushiro geri and finish with the right leg in front, then repeat method 2 on the opposite side.