Jitte Kata Tutorial Moves 1 and 2

Including applications

Jitte Kata Move 1

On the first move of Jitte I just drop the right hand as i bend my knees. Now as I step back  I circle the right arm and pull the bent arm towards me and down as i smoothly step into zenkutsu dachi (front stance), I also finish in the hanmi side facing position.

This first move is like a hooking block, you can see the applications in the video on this page. These applications are just one example, but there are many.

Many Shotokan Sensei teach this finishing in shomen (square facing) and that’s ok, but i like to finish in hanmi because of the applications i use for this first move in the kata.

Jitte Kata Move 2 

On move 2 of Jitte, i first look 45 degrees to my left, then I start to step 45 degrees with my left leg, as i start to step i also rotate my body into the shomen position slowly and slowly strike gedan with a teisho uchi (palm heel strike).

Then as I continue the 45 degree step with the left leg into zenkutsu dachi, I push the left side of my body forward slightly, then rotate my body into shomen as i complete the step.

As i complete this 45 degree step I perform double teisho uchi, the left hand rises and moves forward and the right arm goes down and forward.

As with the first move in this black belt kata, try and make the whole step smooth and make sure everything completes at the same time, including your breathing.

Jitte Kata Moves 1 and 2 Applications

I really like the application explained in the video, the double arm movements really set you up for throws and take downs. 

On the first move i use secondary blocking, where i block with the left arm then hook with the right as i strike with the left. Sounds confusing but hopefully i explain it clearly in the video.

On the second move i really like the takedown move that i explain in the video. I have seen some awful applications for karate kata moves, so when you are working on applications try and visualise a realistic scenario.

Saying that, I also practice classical applications to improve the actual kata moves. For example, on the first move i would get someone to simply attack oi zuki jodan, i would then perform the first move with the right arm coming down on top of the punch and hooking it towards my body.

So i practice two types of applications, one as the techniques are in the kata and one for self defense training.

I hope you find this video useful, please check out our Online Dojo memberships and download our new shotokan karate App called Shotokan Bites.

Oss! Linden

PS Click Here for Jitte Kata Tutorial Step By Step moves 3 to 7 in detail

PPS Click Here for a full Jitte Kata Tutorial Step By Step

Linden Huckle

About the author

Linden Huckle has been practicing and teaching karate for over 50 years and believes first and foremost, karateka should enjoy their karate. He says 'there is nothing better than seeing a person develop into a great person through their karate practice, while at the same time enjoying karate.'

Linden Huckle
