Shuto Uke Hikite Video
The shuto uke hikite arm is equally as important as the actual blocking/striking arm, if not more important!
Using the hikite arm correctly is essential when practicing shuto uke or knifehand block. Many karateka forget how important the hikite arm is, so in this article and video we are going to explore the hikite arm in shuto uke.
In the video below we go through several exercises, working mainly on the hikite arm, but also the blocking arm.
Shuto Uke Exercises
Starting with a left side shuto uke in a small front stance
In the first exercise we are working just on the hikite arm.
My sensei used to stand in front of me, grab hold of my blocking arm, then he would count and sharply pull me forward. This really got me stepping forward sharply.
- From the shuto uke position, drive the front knee forward and start to step, shoot the left blocking arm forward like a nukite strike, then as your right foot lands, your left hikite arm pulls back sharply to the stomach.
- Try this lightly and full speed on both sides.
In the second part of the exercise add the shuto uke with the step.
- From the shuto uke position, drive the front knee forward and start to step, shoot the left blocking arm forward like a nukite strike, at the same time, shoot the right blocking arm up to the left shoulder, keeping the right arm close to the body throughout the movement.
- Then as your right foot lands, block sharply with the right arm and at the same time your left hikite arm pulls back sharply to the stomach.
- Now repeat on the opposite side.
In the third and final part of the exercise we practice stepping shuto uke in kokutsu dachi.
- From the shuto uke position, drive the front knee forward and start to step, shoot the left blocking arm forward like a nukite strike, at the same time, shoot the right blocking arm up to the left shoulder, keeping the right arm close to the body throughout the movement.
- Then as your right foot lands, pivot sharply on the left foot into kokutsu dachi and block sharply with the right arm and at the same time your left hikite arm pulls back sharply to the stomach.
- Now repeat on the opposite side.
We hope you enjoyed this Shotokan kata tutorial video. There are many different exercises to improve shuto uke and this just shows a few exercises.
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