Basic Karate Blocks

Basic Karate Blocks

Age uke, soto ude uke, gedan barai and uchi ude uke From Shizentai

Four basic karate blocks on the spot
1. Age Uke (upper block)
2. Soto Ude Uke (outside forearm block)
3. Gedan Barai (downward block)
4. Uchi Ude Uke (inside forearm block)

Basic Karate Blocks

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Linden Huckle

About the author

Linden Huckle has been practicing and teaching karate for over 50 years and believes first and foremost, karateka should enjoy their karate. He says 'there is nothing better than seeing a person develop into a great person through their karate practice, while at the same time enjoying karate.'

Linden Huckle
