Taikyoku Shodan Kata Step By Step Video
Taikyoku (First Cause) Shodan (First Level)
Master Gichin Funakoshi named the set of three Taikyoku kata developed by his son Sensei Yoshitaka Funakoshi.
Taikyoku Shodan is easily picked up by beginners. But many senior Shotokan masters state that all the secrets of Shotokan karate can be found in this one kata.
It is interesting to note, that the Chinese kanji used for the name Taikyoku (太極) are pronounced “Tai Chi” in Chinese, which means “Grand Ultimate”.
I cannot emphasise enough how important this kata is, it holds the secrets to the fundamentals of shotokan karate and i urge everyone to delve deeply into this kata which is probably the most important kata out of all the shotokan karate kata.
Taikyoku Shodan Kata Step By Step
Part 1
There are only two techniques used throughout Taikyoku Shodan.
The two techniques used throughout the kata are Oi Tsuki (stepping punch) and Gedan Barai (downward block) and the only stance used is zenkutsu dachi (front stance).
Yoshitaka “Gigō” Funakoshi Sensei developed three kata and his father, Master Gichin Funakoshi named them Taikyoku (First Cause).
Many Shotokan karate Dojo start with Taikyoku shodan, then move on to the Heian Kata series, but there are also some Dojo that practice several Taikyoku Kata.
Here at SKO we use Taikyoku Shodan (kihon kata) for our 9th Kyu Orange belt examination, then move on to the Heian Kata from 8th kyu onwards.
The twenty moves consist of eight downward blocks and twelve stepping punches, all in front stance.
Throughout this kata two body positions are used and they are Shomen (square facing) and Hanmi (side facing). These two body positions are an extremely important part of Shotokan karate practice.
For each gedan barai move, the body should be in the hanmi (side facing) position.
For each oi tsuki move, the body should be in the shomen (square facing) position.

Taikyoku Shodan Kata Step By Step
Part 2
Keep your head facing the way you are moving, sometimes the head turns slightly to the side as you block gedan bari, so you end up looking out of the corners of the eyes. Keep the head straight and eyes forward.
Try not to change height as you move from one technique to the next. Once you execute the first move (gedan barai), your height should remain the same, right up to the last move.
Each zenkutsu dachi (front stance) should be the same width, length, height and body weight distribution.
Breathing should be silent and hidden, try not to expand the chest when you breathe in, breathe from your stomache.
On each step, keep your back straight, chin tucked in and push the crown of your head up as you push your stomache down.
Taikyoku Shodan is an excellent kata to practice non telegraph techniques as the moves are extremely basic and give the karateka a chance to focus heavily on the basic fundamentals contained within this kata.
When stepping make sure as you step, the front foot keeps still until at least the half way point throughout the step. Common errors can be turning the front foots toes outwards and pulling the front foot back as you start each step.
When turning through 180 degrees, try not to shuffle the back foot before you turn, try and keep the back foot flat, soften/bend the back knee, then turn and pivot on the heel.
When blocking and punching, try not to leave the arms behind, be sure and start to move the arms the same time as the legs start to move.
At the end of each technique try and stop dead still (kime) for a split second, then immediately relax and hold form, before starting the next move.
Every karate kata has its own rhythm and timing and later on in your karate journey, every karateka has their own rhythm.
Taikyoku Shodan Step By Step
Here is an example of the basic timing for Taikyoku Shodan ~
After the 1st move a short pause, then after the 2nd move longer pause.
After the 3rd move a short pause, then after the 4th move longer pause.
After the 5th move a longer pause, then after the 6th move longer pause, then after the 7th move shorter pause, then after the 8th move (1st kiai) longer pause.
After the 9th move a short pause, then after the 10th move longer pause.
After the 11th move a short pause, then after the 12th move longer pause.
After the 13th move a longer pause, then after the 14th move longer pause, then after the 15th move shorter pause, then after the 16th move (2nd kiai) longer pause.
After the 17th move a short pause, then after the 18th move longer pause.
After the 19th move a short pause, then after the 20th move longer pause. The Yamae and finish.

I hope you have found this Taikyoku Shodan kata Step By Step article and video helpful and thank you for reading and or watching the video and I wish you well on your Shotokan karate journey.