Why Karateka Need To Hit Things

makiwaraSo many karateka do not hit anything and many of these karateka also control all of their karate techniques when with a partner. So how do they develop powerful techniques?

Well many of them do not develop powerful techniques, some do, somehow (which still baffles me), but on the whole, the karateka who do not hit things, do not develop powerful techniques.

To me, striking punch bags, focus pads, kick shields and makiwara should be an integral part of karate practice, but for some reason, this area is overlooked by many Dojo and karateka around the world.

Striking things is great fun!

Striking things develops strong techniques.

Striking things is a great workout.

Why Karateka Need To Hit Things

Linden Huckle

About the author

Linden Huckle has been practicing and teaching karate for over 50 years and believes first and foremost, karateka should enjoy their karate. He says 'there is nothing better than seeing a person develop into a great person through their karate practice, while at the same time enjoying karate.'

Linden Huckle
