This is for 5th kyu Karateka working towards 4th Kyu Purple and White belt
Part 1 of 3 working on simultaneous block and counter.
Simultaneous Block and Counter Using Go No Sen Part 1
Go No Sen means to take the initiative away from the attacker as they attack.
It is an advanced concept that we would like to try and get accross to our members earl on in their karate practice, as it is such and important part of karate and self defense.
In this, the first part of three Go No sen exercises, we are going to use the basic blocks and straight punch from heiko dachi.
There are two parts to this section.
Part 1. For the examination we would like to see both sides slowly and fast, where you block first and then counter with a snapping punch.
Part 2. For the examination we would also like to see both sides slowly and fast, where you block and counter with a snapping punch at the same time.
Below we will explain the first part, for an explanation of the second part please watch the video below.
1. Block age uke (upper block) with the left arm.
2. While the age uke arm is out, counter choku zuki (straight punch) with the right arm.
3. Leave the age uke blocking arm out and pull the punching arm back.
4. Bring the age uke arm down and block soto uke (outside block).
2. While the soto uke arm is out, counter choku zuki (straight punch) with the right arm.
3. Leave the soto uke blocking arm out and pull the punching arm back.
4. Bring the soto uke arm down and block gedan barai (downward block).
2. While the gedan barai arm is out, counter choku zuki (straight punch) with the right arm.
3. Leave the gedan barai blocking arm out and pull the punching arm back.
4. Bring the gedan barai arm up and block uchi uke (inside block).
2. While the uchi uke arm is out, counter choku zuki (straight punch) with the right arm.
3. Leave the uchi uke blocking arm out and pull the punching arm back.
5. Repeat on the other side
Simultaneous Block And Counter Video 1