Shotokan Karate Exercise Leg Driving
A Combination Of Punch, Block, Punch
This is a really good shotokan karate exercise, consisting of just three techniques, using two stances, an exercise where we move in towards our opponent with an attack, then move the body weight back from the opponents counter, then moving the body weight forwards again with a counter punch.
Shotokan Karate Exercise
Basic Starting From heiko dachi yoi
1. Step forward with the right leg and punch oi zuki with the right arm. Make sure for this exercise you finish in the shomen (square body position)
2. Next soften the back left leg, pull the front right leg back into neko ashi dachi (cat stance) and block down gedan barai with the right arm.
3. Then drive off the back left leg and move forward and counter punch with a left arm gyaku zuki (reverse punch).
A really simple combination that is excellent for working on the back leg in two ways ~
1. Driving forward and 2. Softening as you bring the body weight back.
If you have your right leg in front in zenkutsu dachi with a left arm gyaku zuki (number 3.) , when you come back to change legs and start the combination on the opposite side, try and pull the hikite arm back at the same time you pull the right leg back, use the arm pull back to aid the leg pull back and visa versa.
Try not to just fall forward with the oi zuki and gyaku zuki, try and drive from the back leg.
Shotokan Karate Exercise
Advanced Starting From A Left Fighting Stance
1. Pull the left leg back whilst keeping kamae, then drive off the left leg and step forward with the right leg and punch a snapping oi zuki with the right arm, snap the punch back into fighting stance, with no use of hikite.Â
2. Next soften the back left leg, pull the front right leg back into neko ashi dachi (cat stance) and block down gedan barai with the right arm, once again, no hikite, just the blocking arm.
3. Then drive off the back left leg and move forward and counter punch with a left arm gyaku zuki (reverse punch), snap the punch back into fighting stance, with no use of hikite.
When you first get the hang of the advanced combination, try and practice several sets slowly and with flow, before speeding up.
Shotokan Karate Exercise
Partner Work kaeshi ippon kumite
It’s important that at some point you partner up and practice this combination, which is a classic example of kaeshi ippon kumite.
Kaeshi Ippon Kumite
kaeshi ippon kumite is an excellent training method for lots of reasons.
kaeshi ippon kumite is where the attacker attacks, then blocks and counters. The defender simply blocks and counters.
With this combination, it doesn’t matter what block you use when pulling back into neko ashi dachi, what we’re trying to do is move in, then back out and back in again. So imagine you’re attacking, but your opponent sees you’re coming and they block and counter strongly, you then ride the technique as you pull back into neko ashi dachi and block, where you see your opponents counter technique coming, so you then immediatelly drive back in with your counter strike.Â
kaeshi ippon kumite