Follow Along Karate Class Video
In this follow along karate class, Linden Sensei first focuses on kizami tsuki.
The first kizami tsuki is from a stationary position in fighting stance. The second kizami tsuki uses yori ashi and third uses tsugi ashi.
We then practice the same combination moving backwards.
Use the legs, hips and body when punching, not just the arms.
Keep the shoulders down and the elbows tucked in.
Punch kizami tsuki in a straight line, elbow directly behind the fist.
Relax before and after the punch.
Shotokan Karate Follow Along Class Part 1
- From a left fighting stance punch kizami tsuki on the spot.
- Yori ashi. Drive off the back leg, reach forward with the left leg, then as the foot lands punch kizami tsuki.
- Tsugi Ashi. Back foot shoots up to the front left foot, then immediately drive off the right leg and step forward with the left leg and punch kizami tsuki.
- No repeat goin backwards. Punch kizami tsuki on the spot.
- Yori ashi. Drive backwards off the front left leg, reach backward with the right leg, then as the foot lands punch kizami tsuki.
- Tsugi Ashi. Front foot shoots back to the back right foot, then immediately drive backwards off the left leg and step back with the right leg and punch kizami tsuki.
- Then change legs and repeat on the opposite side.
Practice this combination a few times lightly all the way through, three punches forward, three punches back, then change legs and repeat. Then practice at full speed.
Shotokan Karate Follow Along Class Part 2
In the next part of the class we are going to shadow box for two minutes, just using kizami tsuki and the different stepping we used in part 1.
Shotokan Karate Follow Along Class Part 3
In the next part of the class we are again going to shadow box for two minutes, this time we are going to use any straight punch, no upper cuts (ura tsuki) or circular techniques.
Block before each punch, so any block, then punch.
this exercise is a great flow exercise as it not only gets you thinking, but you must try and flow from one block and punch to the next.
Shotokan Karate Class Part 4
In the next part of the class we are again going to shadow box for two minutes, this time we are going to use any punching techniques and every now and then throw in a block.
Now you really should be starting to flow.
Shotokan Karate Class Part 5
Now in the last few exercises we have been working on flow and that is extremely important, but so is destroying the target 🙂 So now in this part of the shotokan karate follow along class, we are again going to shadow box for two minutes.
Only this time we apply kime and intent to every strike, while at the same time time trying to keep the flow.
Shotokan Karate Class Part 6
For the final part of this karate class we are going back to the first combination where we are going to use the two minute timer and throw in some push ups and stomach crunches.
Starting with a left side fighting stance, three punches forward, three back, then change legs and repeat on the right side. Then five push ups and ten stomach crunches. Then up and repeat.
The first kizami tsuki is from a stationary position in fighting stance. The second kizami tsuki uses yori ashi and third uses tsugi ashi. Then the same combination moving backwards.
Yamae! I hope you enjoyed this follow along karate class. Oss!