In this black belt shotokan kata tutorial, we are going to cover the first three moves of Chinte Kata Step By Step. Click Here for the full Chinte tutorial.
Chinte (珍手) (Unusual Hand)
Chinte is a very old kata probably originating from China, but there are other versions of the history of Chinte.
Unlike many Shotokan karate kata, Chinte has many circular movements.
Men are generally stronger than women, but ladies kata flows much better than the mens, that’s just my opinion.
Men seem to struggle more with the smooth circular techniques.
Ladies seem to flow with these circular techniques.
I know several Shotokan Dojo have made the circular techniques more linnear.
In this tutorial I will make more circular movements, but in other tutorials we show a more direct path for these circular kata moves.
Chinte Kata Step By Step
The yoi (ready position) for Chinte, is feet together, left hand in the middle of the body with the right hand on top.
The left fist is palm facing up and the right fist is palm facing the body.
Try not to wrap your arms around your body, instead have the left elbow pointing directly to the left and the right elbow pointing directly to the right.
Chinte Kata Step By Step
Move 1
As you look to the right, slowly lift the right elbow and fist up and to the right side, try not to have the fist higher than the elbow, whilst the elbow is rising.
Keep the left fist stationary throughout this first move.
Once the elbow is as high as it can naturally go, start to bring the bottom fist and elbow down together and strike tetsui uchi (bottom fist strike).
The tetsui uchi should finish at roughly collar bone height, with the arm very slightly bent.
Kime and pause for a split second at the completion of move 1.
Chinte Kata Step By Step
Move 2
As you slowly turn the head and look to the left, drop the right tetsui arm straight down.
As your head comes to the front, your right fist should be below the left fist, with the back of the right fist facing the right.
Now bring the right fist underneath the left, as you do so, rotate the fist palm up, as the right fist rotates palm up, the left fist rotates palm down, so for a split second, both palms face eachother.
Then slowly lift the left elbow and fist up and to the left side, try not to have the fist higher than the elbow, whilst the elbow is rising.
Once the elbow is as high as it can naturally go, start to bring the bottom fist and elbow down together and strike tetsui uchi (bottom fist strike).
The tetsui uchi should finish at roughly collar bone height, with the arm very slightly bent.
The first two moves of this kata should flow, but they should still be strong.
Try not to just slowly execute these techniques without feeling, there should be focus, an intense feeling of strength, correct breathing, timing and kime!
Chinte Kata Step By Step
Move 3
Drop the left arm down, open the hand, fingers straight and thumb pulled back. At the same time drive the left side of the body and left leg forward.
Step straight forward into kiba dachi (horse riding stance), at the same time as you step, drop the right hand down from the middle of the body, open the hand, fingers straight and thumb pulled back.
As the body comes around to the left, both hands come to the front of the body with the right hand on top of the left.
As the left leg lands in kiba dachi, snap the left hip forward and swing both arms up high.
The right hands fingers overlap the left hands fingers, thumbs pulled towards you and fingers straight.