Shotokan Kihon Combinations
Combination 1
In this shotokan karate follow along class, we are working on four basic shotokan blocks and counter punches.
Within these combinations we are also adding a basic stepping exercise.
The class starts very basic, then finishes with the same blocks being used from a fighting stance, where we work on the flow of the techniques.
The first part of the class uses zenkutsu dachi and hikite on every technique.
We are working on shomen and hanmi, leg driving, speed of step, kime and flow.
Try and stay the same height throughout this shotokan karate exercise.
Keep the head facing straight.
Drive off the front leg when stepping backwards.
1. Age uke - Gyaku zuki
2. Soto uke - Gyaku zuki
3. Uchi uke - Gyaku zuki
4, Gedan barai - Gyaku zuki
Shotokan Kihon Combinations
Combination 2
The second part of the class has no hikite and the karate stances can be higher.
This is where we work on the karate flow.
With this type of karate practice, you can work on go no sen (to seize the initiative).
As the attacker attacks, the defender counters them whilst they are still attacking, so the defender delivers a shock hit!
The feeling should be as the attack comes in, you block and counter them whilst they are still trying to complete their attack! Go No Sen.
All of the counter strikes on combination 2 are snapping punches.
1. Age uke - Gyaku zuki
2. Soto uke - Gyaku zuki
3. Uchi uke - Gyaku zuki
4, Gedan barai - Gyaku zuki