Live Karate Class Recording 10.04.21
Sensei Amos worked on a turning exercise in this live karate class.
The start of the class was spent stepping forward then turning 180 degrees into gedan barai (downward block), followed by the first main Mawate (turn) practiced in Shotokan karate.
Sensei Amos focused on many things during this class, keeping the same height throughout the steps and turns.
Working on hanmi (side facing), driving from the legs, keeping the back straight, keeping the weight over the front leg in gedan barai, making a sharp block and strong hikite (pulling arm).
A lot of time was spent on what part of the foot to pivot on throughout the turns. (detsails in the video below).
- Starting with a left gedan barai in zenkutsu dachi, with the left leg in front.
- Step forward with the right leg then as you land turn through 180 degrees and make gedan barai with the left arm.
- Then mawate (turn) through 180 degrees and block gedan barai with the right arm.
In the next part of the class Sensei Amos added a gyaku zuki (reverse punch) after each gedan barai.
- Starting with a left gedan barai in zenkutsu dachi, with the left leg in front.
- Step forward with the right leg then as you land turn through 180 degrees and make gedan barai with the left arm, then gyaku zuki with the right arm.
- Then mawate (turn) through 180 degrees and block gedan barai with the right arm, then gyaku zuki with the left arm.
Shomen Hanmi was focused on along with landing in the correct width of stance to be able to block and punch correctly.
In the last part of the class Sensei Amos performed the gedan barai, gyaku zuki combination from freestyle, snapping the reverse punch back.
- Starting from a left side freestyle stance.
- Step forward with the right leg then as you land turn through 180 degrees and make gedan barai with the left arm, then gyaku zuki with the right arm.
- Then mawate (turn) through 180 degrees and block gedan barai with the right arm, then gyaku zuki with the left arm.
Fluidity of movement, snapping the punch back and kime was focused on in the final part of this live karate class.